Eastern Waves: Warszawa-Oslo | News | About | Distribution | Contact


New Music in Eastern Europe Polish Radio Experimental Studio Populista Extras Polish Oldschool Kikazaru Pleasures -... --- .-..- -

see also

Bartek Kujawski - Puerile Things Inferno

Release Date: V 2018
Total Time: 35:48
CD | ecopack

1 emo diarrhea with compulsive unfriending
2 board of sad onanists
3 all-knowing meme university alumni
4 tiny blog serius business
5 crowdfunded handpoked rave clothes
6 saving the world by online petition
7 how to start influential shitstorm video tutorial
8 we all could be decent people if not facebook

JW Player goes here

Nie będę niczego tłumaczył, bo wszystko tłumaczy się samo. ELO 

 © Bôłt Records 2013 | www.facebook.com/boltnewmusic | Foundation 4.99 (statute)