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New Music in Eastern Europe Polish Radio Experimental Studio Populista Extras Polish Oldschool Kikazaru Pleasures -... --- .-..- -

see also

Arturas Bumšteinas: Different Trains

Release Date: X 2014
Total Time: 61:46
CD | ecopack

1. Wielka improwizacja

2. Acceptnik

3. Pinavija

The album is a collection of works of  Arturas Bumšteinas inspired by Central European cultural landscape (soundscape). It includes radio play Wielka improwizacja commisioned by Bôłt Records. Wielka improwizacja is based on the monologue from the 3rd part of the poetic drama Dziady (Forefather's Eve) by Adam Mickiewicz and the archival recording of its reading done by the Polish poet Miron Białoszewski. Most parts of this composition were recorded in and around the site of the Basilian monastery in Vilnius, which in the 19th century was turned into a Russian Tsarist prison where both Adam Mickiewicz and a protagonist of his poetic drama were jailed.

 © Bôłt Records 2013 | www.facebook.com/boltnewmusic | Foundation 4.99 (statute)