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Ewa Liebchen - Electric Sheep

Release Date: X 2018
Total Time: 64:10
CD | digipack

1. Sławomir Kupczak - Halny

2. Artur Zagajewski - Composition arithmétuque

3. Bernhard Lang - DW21 …and we just keep on pretending…

4. Ralf Hütter & Florian Schneider-Esleben - Ruckzuck (Kraftwerk song, arr. Hubert Zemler)

5. László Sáry - Magnificat

6. Rytis Mazulis - Puja


Ewa Liebchen — flutes

Joanna Freszel — soprano (5)

Hubert Zemler — percussion (3-4)

JW Player goes here

A large portion of music created in the second half of the 20th century revolves around the story of a meeting between man and machine. Around tales of machines pretending to be living musicians. Or of people pretending to be music-making machines. The solo debut of the flutist Ewa Liebchen is a sentimental recollection of these struggles, which are best reflected by the words of an English poet:

So pleasant while becoming inspiration. 
As though unseen upon awakening, 
Was driven by divine hallucination! 
An ancient mental madness contemplating.

That wondrous loving soul subconscious theme! 
For those who had forgotten hope and waking, 
To any great fantastic lucid dream! 
This timeless mortal mind is very aching.

A strange eternal secret visionary, 
Yet another lonely episode! 
The thoughts of love forever legendary, 
A moment from an endless poem ode.

A wonder where the future falls asleep, 
Dream of something like electric sheep.


A large portion of music created in the second half of the 20th century revolves around the story of a meeting between man and machine. Around tales of machines pretending to be living musicians. Or of people pretending to be music-making machines. The solo debut of the flutist Ewa Liebchen is a sentimental recollection of these struggles, which are best reflected by the words of an English poet:



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