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New Music in Eastern Europe Polish Radio Experimental Studio Populista Extras Polish Oldschool Kikazaru Pleasures -... --- .-..- -

see also

Raphael Roginski plays John Coltrane and Langston Hughes African mystic music

Release Date: VI 2015
Total Time:
CD | ecopack

1. Blue Train
2. Equinox
3. Lonnie's Lament
4. Walkers With The Dawn
5. Mr. P. C.
6. Countdown
7. The Negro Speaks Of Rivers
8. Grand Central
9. Seraphic Light
10. Naima

JW Player goes here

Guitars by Raphael Roginski
Voice by Natalia Przybysz

Compositions by John Coltrane (1-3, 5-6, 8-10) and Raphael Roginski (4, 7)
Poems by Langston Hughes

Recorded by Michał Kupicz
Mastered by Sebastian Witkowski
Produced by Michal Libera
Cover art work by Aleksandra Waliszewska
Layout by Piotr Bukowski

Published by Bôlt Records
Distributed by Monotype Records

Populista is a CD series curated by Michal Libera for Bôlt Records

 © Bôłt Records 2013 | www.facebook.com/boltnewmusic | Foundation 4.99 (statute)