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New Music in Eastern Europe Polish Radio Experimental Studio Populista Extras Polish Oldschool Kikazaru Pleasures -... --- .-..- -

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Mgła zdaje się przychodzić z zewnątrz

Release Date: X 2020
Total Time: 41:22
CD | digipack | 16-page booklet

1. The Fog Seems to Come from the Outside


Written and directed by Ludomir Franczak
Music, sound - Marcin Dymiter

JW Player goes here

The Passenger by Zofia Posmysz has a long history riddled with a huge number of coincidences and plot twists. However, its most important or even foundational experience is the author’s visit to Paris. She travelled there as a Polish Radio correspondent on the inaugural flight between Warsaw and Paris in 1946. She only had a couple of hours to see the city, so she went to the centre and there, in the noisy and crowded Concorde Square, she heard the voice of the guard she was subordinate to as a prisoner in Auschwitz. And with that voice came the past – forcefully, like violent wind. The past which had cumulated in the memory of
her body, causing her to become stiff and paralysed, bringing fear which had been smouldering deep inside her and had never really vanished. The voice, as it turned out, belonged to someone else entirely, but the experience became a source of Posmysz’s reflection on the nature of sound...

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